Monday, May 07, 2007

Lotsa cleanings and some sad news

So I went to get my teeth cleaned in April , and JC said she thinks I need to visit every two months for cleanings. I am, as I've said before, a calculus making machine!!! Ugh! No matter how much I Sonic Care and Water Pik, I still build that crud up like a beaver making a dam!!

(By the way, did you know there's an actor named Billy Crudup? He's got great looking teeth!)

Anyway, so JC is very discouraged about her system...the one that works so well. She was talking about packing it in and moving to some small town in the hills. It's a real shame, too, because she is really onto something, people. Her perioscopy program is ahead of its time. It shouldn't be, but she's fighting an entire industry. An industry that loves its high prices. Dentistry has done a masterful job of obfuscating facts and figures so that patients simply live in fear and do whatever the dentists want. Including accepting a prognosis of "all these teeth have to go", and "you need $30,000 worth of implants" . This is a profession that should be caring and nurturing, and instead it's bullying, secretive, overpriced and disingenuous.
I am telling you right now, if your dentist has told you you need your teeth out, you must get a second opinion. Don't let them bully you. Contact me if you need to, I will help you. Just don't settle until you know all the facts and know your options!!

My email is over there on the right. Please don't spam me and please, if you're insane and just want to ramble, don't email me. But if you want advice and you think I can help, please do send me an email.