Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Well, two months (plus) after my journey began, I will go for my first actual treatment today. I am already starting to panic, having shortness of breath, sweating, etc. What am I frightened about? You name it. Im afraid she'll start the perioscopy and then say it's useless. I'm afraid some of my teeth will fall out while she's working on them. I'm afraid of pain. I'm afraid of sitting with my mouth open for four hours. I'm afraid my ride home won't show up. I'm afraid...just afraid.

I'm taking deep breaths, and I have a Valium if I need it. I hope I won't. The All Star game is on tonight (if not rained out!) and I want to be at least semi alert for that. My boyfriend promised me ice cream for dinner if I go through with it. So there are reasons to ...just project past the next six hours and focus on 5pm. By 5pm I'll be home...sore, yes, but home...with this perioscopy half over...and the second treatment (a week from Thursday) should be better because at least I'll know what to expect...

Wish me well...

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