Monday, May 22, 2006

More about money

By the way, I am considering creating a layperson's website to demystify the cost of dental care. Go to almost any dentist's website and you'll see information about procedures, and explanations of various things, and soothing words about insurance. But nowhere will you find a list of prices. How much does a root canal cost? How much is a crown? How about a cleaning?

So here's what I propose -- how about sending me, via email, a copy of your latest dental bill? Black out the names and other identifying information - I have no interest in knowing who you are. I just want to know how much YOUR dentist is gouging you for. If there's much interest in doing this, I will create a website. We need to demystify this process, folks.

My email is (remove the second "@"). Write me if you think this is a good idea.

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