Thursday, August 03, 2006

Dental Holidays?

I heard about this on European Journal the other night. Apparently you can go to Budapest or other less expensive country and get your dental work - including implants - for up to 1/3 to 1/4 the cost of having it done in Britain. Probably cheaper than in the US as well, who knows! Anyway, here's an article - with before and after pictures - about it. The article is short, so I've copied the whole thing, but you'll have to go to the site to see the pics:

A dental holiday in Hungary

Mr Stephen Hayes, 62, a businessman from Cheshire, thought he might lose his teeth because the expensive dental treatment he needed was not available on the NHS, but he managed to save £17,000 by flying to Hungary on a "dental holiday". Mr Hayes required a long course of treatment to repair his teeth, including gum surgery, implants, bridges and crowns. Unfortunately this work wasn’t available on the NHS, and a private dentist in south Manchester told him the cost would be £25,000.

His local dentist said there was nothing he could do about his gingivitis but when it developed into periodontitis - a deterioration of the membranes holding the teeth in the bone - Mr Hayes sought a second opinion. A quote from a top dentist in south Manchester totalled £25,000 incorporating gum cleaning, five teeth implants at £2,000 a piece and on top of the implant costs, gum surgery, crowns, bridges and numerous appointments and check-ups. Mr Hayes looked into having the treatment abroad and within a week he was on a flight to Budapest where his extensive dental treatment cost just £8,000.

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