Sunday, August 13, 2006

Emdogain explained

Here is a link to JC's blog, with an entry that explains the magical power of Emdogain. This is well worth a look, because frankly it's not that easy to find good solid info about Emdogain on the web, and most of the information one does find talks about surgical application of the enamel matrix protein. JC does a non-surgical application that is a LOT less gory (there are pictures of THAT on her blog too - don't look at them if you're eating breakfast right now!!) and doesn't require cutting the gums.

Here's one set of x-rays that shows the incredible difference Emdogain can make in the regeneration of bone. The first picture is before, obviously, and the second is after. I'm no radiologist but even I can see the remarkable difference in the amount of bone!

Needless to say, I am a total convert to the whole process that JC uses, and I'm going to put a permanent link to her website here, so that the word gets out. This is 21st century dental care, people, and deserves a wide audience, so if you know anyone who is facing dentures, implants, extractions, "hopeless teeth", etc, please pass the link along. I can't tell you how strongly I recommend her procedures.

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