Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Oops I did it again!

In my desperation, I was on the internet again can be a dangerous thing, folks. I bet doctors and dentists hate people who self-diagnose using the web! But I do it all the time, and so far I'm still alive.

Anyway, so I found this website for a "Periodontal Therapist" who uses a Dental Endoscope, which is "an extremely tiny fiber optic camera that can go up to 14 mm beneath the gum line--a place where no dental professional has been able to see before." Now, I don't know if this can help me, given the advanced bone loss and so forth that I have, but her website gave me hope. I gave her a call, and she is going to see me on Monday! I told her I had an appt tomorrow for my first scaling and planing, and after discussing with her, I decided to postpone that appointment til after Monday. I also had my x-rays sent up to her.

I don't have a lot of hope, but she does mention Emdogain on her site, so maybe, just maybe, she's the person I'm looking for. She's not a dentist, so I would still need to retain Dr B, I guess, although he's actually a prosthodontist. The whole thing confuses me, all the different specialties. I remember when I first contacted Dr B's office, I asked if I needed a "regular" dentist as well, and the office said, "No, Dr. B would love to be your full care dentist." Hmm.

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