Friday, June 02, 2006

the bill

Remember how I was complaining about how hard it is to get good information about dental costs? Well, my first bill came, and I'm going to give it to you straight - or as straight as the bill will allow me to.

Here's what I have so far (and remember, I have not had any actual treatment yet):

Examination (Initial) $ 85.00
FMX (Intraoral-complete series) 95.00 (that's X-rays)
Oral/Facial Photographic Images 25.00 (that's the dentist and his digital camera)
Casts-Diagnostic 185.00 (the molds he made to accompany his Power
Point slide show)
Face Bow 0.00 (I don't know what that is, but no charge)

TOTAL SO FAR $390.00

I think the charge that chaps my hide is the $185.00 for the casts. He calls them diagnostic, but I think they're really mostly to scare you. I don't know if the insurance will cover them, but even if they do, that just means $185 it won't be able to pay for anything else (ie I'll have to pay). Remember, I have a $1500 per year max on my insurance plan.

Comments welcome, or heck, share YOUR outrageous dental bill.

1 comment:

Dental Hell said...

I'm totally on the other side of the US - up here in the Pacific NW!! So travelling for treatment is proably not feasible. Maybe I should shop around a little, though!