Monday, July 10, 2006

big day tomorrow

Well, I had a nice weekend - went to the horse races and won about $4, then out to dinner, and otherwise just relaxed. Now I'm back to reality, and facing four hours, yes, four hours, in the chair tomorrow, as JC begins the super deep cleaning, planing, whatever it's called. I can only hope it doesnt hurt too horribly much, that I can get through that length of time without choking, vomiting, panicking, crying, or dying. And then next week I have another four hour appt. Hopefully that will be the worst of it. I think she will apply the Emdogain during these appointments.

I have to give her a check for $3600 tomorrow. Insurance might pay a pittance of that, but I looked at my insurance benefits and they allow something like 50% (because she's not a "preferred provider" , and the max for cleaning/scaling/plaining is something like $150 a quadrant. I don't know if that means they'll actually fork over $75 per quad or what. I am fully expecting to be "out" the whole $3600, and am only glad that someone was able to help me out with this payment.

I will have to have a LOT more work done after this - this is just the beginning, to get the playing field ready to play on, so to speak.

Thank God I have a ride home from this appointment (I don't drive or own a car). Otherwise a cab would probably cost $30.

I am really scared.

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