Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ow Ow Ow

Well, I had my first appointment. I'm not going to lie to you, it was brutal. There are so many things wrong with my teeth and gums that this is really going to be a painful and difficult process.

I had to have four Valium, and at least 5 shots of Novocaine (it isn't really novocaine, but something similar but I can't remember the correct name). I couldn't get completely numb, and that was the worst part. There were two specific spots, under the gumline, where I could feel quite completely what her instruments were doing. And that is painful. I finally decided I was just going to grit my teeth (figuratively) and not show the pain on my face. Because I knew I had to get through this.

2 and a half hours later and we had just finished ONE quadrant. Since the appointmnet was scheduled for four hours, it wouldn't have been possible to complete a second one, so my next appointmnet will be just for one more quadrant.

The tools she uses are an endoscope and perioscope. Or maybe theyre both the same tool -- but anyway, it's a tiny camera with a bright light on the tip. She sticks that way way down under the gum, inside all those pockets we're not supposed to have but we all do. The thing that's different is she can "see" a lot farther down and a lot more thoroughly than a hygenist who just sticks tools down there and "feels" for calculus. Judy can actually see - via the camera, which sends a picture to a video screen -- all the way down, and all the crap that's down there.

She also managed to get a little Emdogain applied to the upper right quadrant.

I have my fingers crossed that the next appointment won't be so painful or difficult, but even if it is, I'm determined, motivated, and hopeful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the faith man. It's going to hurt, bleed, and you are probably going to need meds and hate life for awhile. After it's all said and done, you will be glad you went through with it. Especially when you have that first full nights of sleep without your mouth hurting! It's like a blessing from the almighty. Keep in touch and thanks for posting on my forums at It helps for me to see that there are other people out there with the same problems as me. I don't have the phobia but I'm right there with you through this. I've been there already. :)